Category Archives: Stent Thrombosis


Provisional Stenting with re-POT procedure on distal left main artery.

François DERIMAY, Gérard FINET
Fédération de Cardiologique Médicale
Hopital Cardiologique Louis Pradel, Lyon

A 66 year-old man , with previous history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension was admitted for an unstable angina.

The initial coronary angiography (6Fr catheter) showed a distal LM to proximal LAD tight lesion and no lesion on RCA.

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Mechanisms of stent thrombosis analysed by optical coherence tomography: insights from the national PESTO French registry

Aims: angiography has limited value for identifying the causes of stent thrombosis (ST). We studied a large cohort of patients by optical coherence tomography (OCT) to explore ST characteristics and mechanisms. Cliquez pour voir plus :: Click to see more Mechanisms of stent thrombosis analysed by optical coherence tomography: insights from the national PESTO French registry

Invasive management without stents in selected acute coronary syndrome patients with a large thrombus burden: a prospective study of optical coherence tomography guided treatment decisions


Geraud Souteyrand, MD; Nicolas Amabile, MD, PhD; Nicolas Combaret, MD; Sami Hammas, MD; Francesco Prati, MD, PhD; Colin Berry, MD, PhD; Bruno Pereira, MD; Jean-Rene Lusson, MD; Christophe Caussin, MD; Pascal Motreff, MD, PhD


Aims: To assess whether a strategy of invasive management without stents in selected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients with a large thrombus burden (LTB) might be feasible and safe. Cliquez pour voir plus :: Click to see more Invasive management without stents in selected acute coronary syndrome patients with a large thrombus burden: a prospective study of optical coherence tomography guided treatment decisions

Very late stent thrombosis related to incomplete neointimal coverage ….

Untitled 2

Nicolas Amabile, Geraud Souteyrand, Said Ghostine, Nicolas Combaret, Michel S. Slama, Nicolas Barber-Chamoux, Pascal Motreff, and Christophe Caussin

Very late stent thrombosis related to incomplete neointimal coverage or neoatherosclerotic plaque rupture identified by optical coherence tomography imaging.

AIMS : Recent data have reported that neoatherosclerosis could develop long after stent implantation and lead to subsequent rupture and acute coronary syndrome (ACS). We sought to identify the presence of in-stent neoatheroma (ISNA) in patients with very late stent thrombosis (VLST) using optical coherence tomography (OCT). Cliquez pour voir plus :: Click to see more Very late stent thrombosis related to incomplete neointimal coverage ….